We sang to them in the rose garden.
We sang to them in the orangery.
We sang to them in the inner courtyard.
We sang to them on the lawn of the main garden, several
Finally we sang near the exit.
Four hours with a few breaks.
We were lucky with the weather. Dunham Massey was full of
people enjoying themselves.
There were picnics, ice creams, prosecco and beer.
It's not always easy singing in the open air, but the
shelter of a tree, a few climbing roses, an enclosed courtyard and the orangery
made it easier. It's a good job we remembered the sun cream though: a lot of the
time we were out in the open.
It was a great privilege to sing at this lovely National
Trust property. We've been here several times before but this is the first time
on a Sunday afternoon in what's beginning to look like summer.
The first record of the park at Dunham Massey dates from
1362. It was left to the National Trust in 1976. There is so much to see and do
here and the house itself is impressive yet still feels like a home.
So for all of us it felt like a day out as well as another
great opportunity to sing. We hope they'll ask us back again sometime soon.
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