Monday 27 February 2017

The MACC and In Concert 25 / 26 February

It’s been a busy but beautiful weekend. First we had the Saturday evening concert at St Peter’s House, just a few metres up the road from the RNCM where the main event would happen.       

What a privilege it was to listen to Volya Ukranian Male Voice Choir, who incidentally were placed in the competition the next day, and Men2Sing, another great male voice choir. 
Volya Ukranian Male Voice Choir - with red boots

Men2Sing watched by members of Ordsall A Cappella Singers  

  “There’s some bass and tenor envy in the room tonight,” said Jeff. Yes, he was right. That   said though, all of the parts held their own both in this pre-competition event and the competition itself. We had to. We sang spread out and not in our groups. It’s a bit scary to begin with, but my, aren’t you forced to take responsibility? I personally ended up loving it. 

The MACC is always a great day.  We were fortunate in being one of the first choirs to sing. I guess that’s partly because we’re fairly local. It did mean that we could then relax and watch some great performances and listen to some fabulous singing. 

Excitement building 

The costumes, too, are always, fascinating. We have our delicate purple flowers, there were the vibrant red dresses, rainbow coloured jackets, gold bands, yellow ties, smart suit jackets, touches of red and many, many other stunning looks. And talking of rainbows, winning choir Rainbow Connection were spectacular in that way too. Their red and white blankets intrigued everyone. 

Of course, not only do we have bass and tenor envy, as far as Volya are concerned, we also have boot envy. Their red boots are glorious. 

Well, we didn’t win and we weren’t placed in the first three. However, one of the judges admitted to having a thrill run down his spine as we sang. Two of them beamed at us during the performance. In the summing up at the end, we were surely included among the choirs “who improve year on year.”
It’s always a lovely way to spend a Sunday. 

And our next competition is …. next Saturday. Bring it on.                           

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Newsletter 15 february 2017

Dear all,
We’re now getting very excited about going to the MACC. Last night we had quite an intense rehearsal. We hardly sat down at all and we didn’t really notice that we’d been on our feet for the best part of two hours. We spent the second half of our rehearsal singing in a different part of the room from normal, with clusters of people from each part in several places.  Challenging but rewarding. It really makes you focus in a similar way that the small group singing does.
And we have an extra concert. See STOP PRESS below for extra details.
The evening before the MACC we’re singing with two other choirs: the Volya Ukranian Male Voice Choir and Men2Sing. This takes place at : Manchester Universities' Catholic Chaplaincy
Avila House
335-337 Oxford Rd
M13 9PG
And it’s FREE. Book your ticket by clicking on the link below.              

Forthcoming Events

You can also often find details on our Facebook page and we’ll usually put links on Twitter as well.
At most of our events you can get tickets on the door. However, we do recommend getting tickets in advance. It helps us and it guarantees that you won’t be turned away at the door. We’ve not had to do that yet but we’ve come close to it.    



Extra new concert Saturday 25th February 2017

The Manchester Amateur Choral Competition is hosting a concert this year and has invited some of the best talent from around the country to come and sing.
Join us on Saturday 25th February for a fantastic evening of music before the competition heats up on Sunday.
Tickets are Free!
Book yours here.



Manchester Amateur Choral Competition 26 February 2017 

… fondly known as the MACC. Yes, we’re entering this again. The songs have been selected … more or less ….. Ha, ha, they’re a secret! We sing for fifteen minutes. It is open to the public – click on the link above -so you might like to come and support us. There is a fantastic atmosphere and although the choirs are in competition with each other they are also very supportive of one another. Guaranteed you’ll hear some great singing.       

Salford Choral and Vocal Festival 4 March

How could we not join in this?  It will to some extent be similar to what we’re doing for the  MACC – note how close together the two events are. But there’s more. In addition, we’ll be entering some small groups of up to ten people. This is something we’ve been working on recently. We’ve been meeting an hour early and singing in small groups – often with just one person singing each part. That really stretches you. It’s a sharp contrast to singing in the bigger choir but it’s great because you can really hear the other parts clearly.  
Find out more about the festival here.          


Buxton St Mary’s 22 April Centenary Concert 3.00 p.m.

We have been invited to provide a concert for St Mary’s, with whom we have become great friends over the years that we’ve been going to the Fringe Festival at Buxton. They celebrate their centenary this year. Tickets will be the same price as for our main Buxton concerts:
£5.00 full price
£3.00 concessions (children, unwaged, senior citizens)
Family ticket £12.00 – up to four individuals in one party, where at least one person must be a concession
Children 5 and under free.
The church is arranging the ticketing for this and it should be available by the end of the month. It will be possible to pay on the door but only if there are seats remaining. Book your ticket here to guarantee a place.  


Buxton Fringe 15 July 2017

We’ll be singing at our usual two venues:
Book your tickets here.  Prices as above.

Victoria Baths 9 July and 10 September

We’ll be singing at about 1.00 p.m. and 2.15 on both occasions, though watch out for updates on this newsletter. If you’ve not been before the Victoria Baths are well worth a visit.  
We now are singing there regularly a couple of times a year. You can read about our previous visits here.      
Happy singing and listening everyone.